Over 100 Years of Service...

Standing 20 metres high, above the rocky coastline of southwest Vancouver Island, Sheringham Point Lighthouse has served as a beacon of hope and salvation for more than 100 years.

Built in 1912, Sheringham Point Lighthouse, like so many other lighthouses around our coastal waters, has saved countless lives throughout its history. Staffed for much of its life, the lighthouse was later automated and now has a single green beacon. It has provided navigational aid, weather information, solace and safety for mariners and those who make their living from the sea

Its history is rich and touches many families in this area. It is a reminder of our deep connections to the land and the sea, and it has always been seen as a symbol of security for our community.



Human interaction with this site began long before the Lighthouse was constructed, even before European settlement of the area, as it was of significance to the local First Nations. Archaeological evidence has been discovered at the site indicating the connections and the First Nations’ use of the site over time.  The T’Sou-ke First Nation continues to have an active relationship with the site, especially the adjacent property to the West. The Sheringham Point Lighthouse Preservation Society respects and honours our mutual history, and is pleased to work with the T’Sou-ke Nation to ensure that traditions and stories can be maintained and celebrated.

We recognize and acknowledge that this land remains unceded traditional territory of the T’Sou-ke First Nation, as well as the Pacheedaht First Nation, whose traditional territories met at Sheringham Point.



For More Details...

Pre-1906: settlement & development
ca 1911: Acqiring the lighthouse site
ca 1912: Construction of the Lighthouse
1912- 1946: Growth & development
1946-1989: Changes in technology
1990-Present: A new role for the Lighthouse

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